The Pill - Blue

The Pill - Blue
14,99 € 17,99 € (16,68% économisé)

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  • PIL004
Kendama skills still feeling a little under the weather? We've upped the dosage and brought
The Pill - Blue
Kendama skills still feeling a little under the weather? We've upped the dosage and brought you these Jumbo Pills!
Try The Pill from our friends at Terra Kendama. The Pill is a toy they invented that has been steadily growing in popularity.
Since first inventing the toy, they have worked hard to hone the design for maximum playability.
If you enjoy satisfying spikes, endless spacewalk lines, tricky balances and creative tricks,
then perhaps the pill is just what you've been craving.
You won't need to call a doctor for being too sick because the Jumbo Pill has all the medicine you need!

**Side effects include: sick skills, increased precision, and non-stop fun
** Each Jumbo Pill comes with an extra string, info card and a sticker.
Couleur: bleu
livrée: glänzend
type de peinture: classique
Fabricante: Terra Kendama
maquette: The Pill
recommandation d'âge: Geeignet für Kinder ab 14 Jahren.
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